
Youth and Children's Ministries

Youth and children's ministries are an extremely vital part of the church. We have heard it said on many occasions that our young people and children are the “church of tomorrow.” However, with Christianity only one generation away from extinction, the church cannot waste precious time waiting for the youth and children to “grow up” and “find God.” Before each of these young people were formed in their mothers’ wombs they had a purpose and a destiny. Ministry to children and youth should deliver the true Gospel message and spark desire and passion for Christ in the lives of young people.

The ideal youth program should be driven passionately. Seeing young people and children come to know Christ in a real way should be a major part of every church 's mission. The church must invest in the youth and children's ministries. In a nutshell we believe that the youth and children's pastors should be supported by the senior pastor , elders, pastoral team, and all leadership with the resources, freedom, innovative and creative tools and leaders needed to reach youth and children which will also lead to the establishment of families in the local church as well.

Personally, we believe youth and children's ministries should have a cutting edge consisting of engaging worship, prayer, preaching, teaching, relationship building, and leadership development. Teaching and modeling a passionate expression towards God and His loving response by those leading will collide into the lives of the youth and children gathered. In addition youth and children need a place and opportunity to engage in relevant activities, events, and ministries that are planned, geared toward and executed on their level. Not a program, place or opportunity to emulate “big church,” a ministry to youth, a ministry to children that awakens a generation out of impending spiritual death and religious mindsets and complacency, which will call them into their individual purpose and empower them for the Kingdom of God.