I believe every believer (the church) can and should find a way to contribute to missions in some way. For some it may be going overseas, for others it may be ministering to the homeless in the local community, to others it may be giving financially or gathering medical supplies and sending them to missionaries who need them, or by outreach through the local church.
We have been involved in the following community outreaches as facilitators, originators, volunteers, and/or support staff.
• Street Evangelism (individual witnessing and street preaching)
• Event based (see resume)
• Servant Evangelism (www.servantevangelism.com)
• Prison Ministry
• Mardi Gras Outreach
• Campus Evangelism
• Bus Ministry
• Sidewalk Sunday School
• Need Based Evangelism (Adopt-a-Block, School Supply Giveaway, Destiny’s Closet, Feed the Need, Christmas Outreach)
• Block Parties
• Prayer Tents (at Community Fairs/Events)
• Prayer Walks
• Overseas Missions Trips